Friday, 4 March 2011

Basketball Basics

Monday, February 21, 2011

Basketball Basics

The game of basketball can be a very rewarding experience for someone who has newly learnt the game. You do not need to be 6 foot 8” or a pro to reap the rewards that basketball has to offer. There are a few minimum requirements which each individual needs in order to get the most out of basketball.

1.      Good ankle supporting shoes
2.      A leather or rubber ball with sufficient bounce
3.      Medium level of fitness
4.      And lastly, a hoop

It is so important to buy shoes that support fast ankle movement and can support your foot on jumps twists and other players trampling on your feet (which does happen in almost every game).

I am 6.4” and have found through my many hours of playing that a good ball makes the game so much better. A rubber ball doesn’t always seem to bounce high enough and the opponent can easier snatch my ball away, however a Spalding leather ball has never let me down.

As you spend more time on the court you will notice you fitness level jump to new heights and it doesn’t even feel like a workout it’s more of a fun thing rather than a “lets go for a run” thing. I have managed to loose my asthma and last 40 minutes on the court without so much as a wheeze.

This is the beauty of basketball.

A few easy tips to remember when jumping onto the court is to grip the ball tightly when shorting and aim with your weakest hand and push with your strong hand.

Dribbling is and art and once perfected should be done with your eyes on your opponent not on the ball.

So there your have a series of very basic tips to get started and to start enjoying your time on the court.

My name is Bevin and I have been a junior member of the NZ team when I was just 16, I am 20 now and play basketball every day for fun I enjoy one on one all the way to five on five. My height has always been a great advantage but I have noticed that smaller people often jump way higher than me!!

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